If you live within seventy-five miles of Fort Worth, and you have acreage mowing to do, your best move is to call Keith’s Tractor Mowing, and the remainder of this article will explain why that is the case.
We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing and yes, this article is self-serving, but we remind you of the old saying: It’s not bragging if you can back it up. It’s simply stating the truth.
Who is Keith’s Tractor Acreage Mowing?
Keith’s Tractor and Mowing Service is owned and operated by Keith Sturgeon, a life-long resident of Dallas Fort Worth. He has been a successful businessperson in Fort Worth for more than 20 years.
Customers enjoy working with Keith because of his friendly customer service and his outstanding quality of work. Specializing in large acreage mowing, vacant lot mowing and channel mowing in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Commercial and residential.
Peace of mind
As a business owner Keith Sturgeon takes his responsibility to do the right thing for his customers to a higher level. While it is not required, he made the decision to carry general liability insurance on his business, to the tune of $1,000,000.
Accidents do happen and if Keith causes any damage or injury to you, he is prepared to accept and take financial responsibility to help you recover from the unexpected. Commercial general liability insurance (CGL) is a broad type of insurance policy which provides liability insurance for general business risks.
It is the “first line” of coverage that a business typically purchases and covers many of the common risks that can happen to any type of business, such as bodily injury or property damage on the business premises or due to the business operations, personal and advertising injury, and medical payments.
Very few commercial mowers carry this type of insurance. Professional commercial mowing companies should carry general liability insurance. Do your homework and ask if they do.
Why do business with someone who carries this insurance? Very simply, it is peace of mind.
All types of tractor mowing.
Keith’s does the following types of mowing jobs:
- Residential 1+ acres
- Commercial 1+ acres
- Cemetery Mowing
- Church Mowing
- Farms & Ranches
- Field Mowing
- HOA Services
- Oilfield Site Mowing
- Oilfield Right of Ways
- Pasture
- Vacant Lots
- Airport Grounds
- Channel Mowing
- Code Enforcement – Citation Mowing
- Military Sites
- Parks
- Railroad Mowing
- Right of Way Mowing
- Roadway/Pipeline
- Water Treatment Facilities
Land clearing
- Bush Hogging
- Tree Trimming & Removal
A final word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing.
Keith’s Tractor Mowing is locally owned and operated, and that is an important matter for the owner. He lives, works, and plays in the same community as his customers. His money stays in the community. He has a responsibility to help his neighbors by providing the best service possible, whether that is ranch mowing or cemetery mowing or pipeline mowing. This is not a job for Keith; it’s a commitment.
Call us today and trust your big mowing job to a name which stands for outstanding service.