Are you looking for someone to bid on a cemetery mowing contract? It might seem like a simple business contract, a very straight-forward ordeal, but it is not. A word of caution before you proceed with taking quotes from companies: do your due diligence and check all references before hiring an acreage mowing company.
Let’s look at a typical cemetery mowing contract
The following are the main sections of a cemetery mowing contract from a city in the Midwest for commercial tractor mowing services:
- Keep the Public Cemetery lawns cut to a uniform height of two and one-half (22@) inches unless directed otherwise by the Director of Public Works, including median on Miller Street between the two
- Sections of cemetery: Vegetation/lawn around all structures, walks, flowerbeds, trees, parking lots, and other similar items shall be neatly trimmed around to provide a finished appearance.
- Frequency of lawn mowing and trimming shall be according to seasonal growth and weather conditions to maintain the 2 1/2’@ height without creating grass clumping after 36 hours after mowing. Otherwise, any grass clumping shall be distributed by mechanical blowing or by collecting and removing.
- Pick up and properly dispose of all litter and refuse and all fallen and pruned branches and fallen trees and/or shrubs. Grass clippings and trash shall be blown off of all walkways, sidewalks and paved parking lots.
- Work performed under this contract shall take into consideration any necessary Spring and/or Fall leaf removal of mowed areas with disposal of leaves to be coordinated with the City.
Let’s go over this and point out key points.
Cemeteries are large. Keeping the lawns of a cemetery cut to a uniform height of 2 ½ inches over uneven ground require experience. It requires the work of a pro. This is not a job for an amateur, so make sure you check references closely and follow up on those references. Speak in person to former customers of any field mowing service you are considering.
Uniformity is tricky at best
Mowing around gravesites, mowing around structures, mowing around flowerbeds and trees and benches, while maintaining a uniform cut, these things are difficult to do. This is a job for a trained worker. This is a job for specific equipment. This is a job for a professional with years of cemetery mowing experience. Consider, for a second, how many small structures there are in a cemetery. Those structures are all impediments while at the same time they are items you want protected.
And speaking of protection
A lot can go wrong with cemetery mowing. A lot! One wrong turn and a gravestone can be knocked over and broken. One wrong turn and a flower vase shattered or a bench ruined. Make sure you sign on with a company which carries general liability insurance so that, if damage should occur, you know you and your cemetery are protected.
About Keith’s Mowing Services
Keith’s is a respected name in large mowing contracts in and around Fort Worth, Texas. No job is too large for Keith’s, and cemeteries are somewhat of a specialty for this trusted tractor mowing services. Call (817) 991-4318 for more information about cemetery mowing contracts.