$1,000,000 General Liability Insurance
Tractor Mowing For 1+ Acres
We have the equipment and experience to handle acreage mowing. Our services include land clearing, brush hogging, contract mowing or one time jobs. Family owned and we carry $1,000,000 general liability insurance. A few of the types of tractor mowing we do are listed below.
Acreage Mowing
- Residential 1+ acres
- Commercial 1+ acres
- Cemetery Mowing
- Church Mowing
- Farms & Ranches
- Field Mowing
- HOA Services
- Oilfield Site Mowing
- Oilfield Right of Ways
- Pasture
- Vacant Lots
Land Clearing
- Bush Hogging
- Tree Trimming & Removal
Government Mowing
City, County, State Contracts
- Airport Grounds
- Channel Mowing
- Code Enforcement – Citation Mowing
- Military Sites
- Parks
- Railroad Mowing
- Right of Way Mowing
- Roadway/Pipeline
- Water Treatment Facilities
Tractor Mowing Services

Mowing for water treatment facilities, parks, right-of-ways, pipelines, channels, railroads and military sites.
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Code Enforcement
24 hour response time for code violation mowing. Annual contracts available so you don't receive violation notices.
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Acreage Mowing
One time mowing or annual contracts for acreage, vacant lots, large residential lots, pasture grass, farms and ranches.
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Competitive Prices Outstanding Service
Keith’s Tractor and Mowing Service is owned and operated by Keith Sturgeon, a life-long resident of Dallas Fort Worth. He has been a successful business person in Fort Worth for more than 20 years. Customers enjoy working with Keith because of his friendly customer service and his outstanding quality of work. Specializing in large acreage mowing, vacant lot mowing and channel mowing in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.