A Pasture Mowing Service is Only as Good as the Equipment Used

You may think that a pasture mowing service is only as good as the men and women mowing the pasture, but in truth it is only as good as the pasture mowing equipment.

Allow us to explain!

Frequency of pasture mowing

Horse farms typically mow their pastures every ten days to two weeks, and that’s too often. While mowing is helpful for weed control and to keep seedheads on the pasture from causing eye problems in horses, It would be better for the health of the pasture to mow just two or three times during the summer.

“When you look at a pasture — and this is a general rule of thumb — the vegetation you see growing, if it’s three inches or six inches tall or whatever it might be, the root system under the soil pretty much mirrors the top growth [in length],” one pasture expert said. “That vegetation is getting energy from the sun and building roots to go down and get moisture and nutrition. When we graze that or mow it, those new roots that have grown with the new top growth die back.”

Possible and probable problems in pasture mowing

Where do we begin in listing problems with pasture lot mowing?  They, and brush mowing services, would include:

  • Rocks
  • Fallen branches
  • Rodents
  • Uneven ground
  • Discarded plastics and other debris
  • Obstacles like outbuildings or even trees
  • Tree roots
  • Invasive shrubs and plants

Are you equipped to deal with all of those problems, or does the company you hire have experience with dealing with them?

All of these factors lead us to the point of this article: without the proper equipment, a pasture mowing service will not be able to do an adequate-to-professional job of mowing your pasture.

Which leads us to the next question: what is considered adequate, professional, proper tractor mowing equipment?  At Keith’s Tractor Mowing we use almost exclusively two main pieces of mowing equipment:

TORO 5910

  • Best suited for grass lower than knee high
  • Idea for regular mowing jobs
  • Can mow 17 acres an hours and 100+ acres per day
  • 16 foot cutting width
  • Perfect to mow municipal parks & sports complex
  • Mow closely around trees & other obstacles with 0 trim
  • Climate controlled cab for mowing year round
  • Can turn 180 degrees without uncut grass

And  . .  .


  • Best suited to mow grass over knee high
  • Rough mowing or fine mowing
  • Skid steer to move dirt & rock piles
  • Bush hogfor mowing thick brush & vegetation
  • Tough enough for single jobs or once a year mowing
  • 12 gears for wide range of motion when mowing fields

Any other questions about pasture mowing service equipment? Our name is Keith’s Tractor Mowing, and we have the experience you need to answer all of your questions.  We encourage you to call us, or someone like us, and get the answers you need so you can make an informed decision concerning pasture mowing or any other type of acreage mowing services.  You will pay good money for a pasture mowing service, and you deserve the best in service for that money. Do your homework and get top value.