Here’s the thing about acreage mowing: it can mean different thing to different people, and if you are in the business of tractor mowing services, you need to know those different types of acreage mowing. Similarly, if you are looking for someone to do some acreage mowing for you, you need to be aware that there are variations to it.
The main types of acreage mowing are: field mowing, right of way mowing, church mowing, oilfields mowing, pasture mowing, enforcement mowing, citation mowing, HOA mowing, and cemetery mowing. Let’s take a quick look at each of these.
Field Mowing
Most acreage mowing which fits under the category “field mowing” is one acre or more. To properly do an area that large, the proper tractor mowing equipment is needed. Bids are based on the time it takes to do a job, and most tractor mowers can do upwards of fifteen acres in an hour, so plan accordingly.
Right of way mowing
Right of way mowing usually consists of mowing non-residential rights-of-way for cities and municipalities. It requires being able to follow precise instructions and standards; it also requires working within time restraints and filling out bids filed with the city, working closely with city officials, and negotiating a price structure.
This type of mowing is self-explanatory. What is not self-explanatory is the fact that this calls for precision and the ability to work around multiple structures. It is also recommended to carry at least $1,000,000 general liability insurance.
Not only is oilfield mowing concerned with the clearing of the area where the oil pumping equipment will be placed, but also clearing a “flow line” for the piping which will lead to the processing plant. This oftentimes calls for brush hog mowing as well as simple grass mowing.
Pasture mowing
Pasture mowing involves acreage . . . lots of it . . . which must be done in a timely manner quickly. Bids are based on speed as well as the ability to cut the pasture to a desired height.
Cities have codes, and certain codes are always written to make sure businesses and homes follow mowing guidelines for neatness and safety. Enforcement mowing requires a general knowledge of the mowing codes for all cities in your area.
Some home or business is not complying to codes; it is up to the acreage mowing company to make that home or business in compliance. The ability to work closely with city officials is helpful in citation mowing.
HOA mowing
What regulations does a HOA have regarding mowing? There are hundreds of HOAs in any county, and each one has specific mowing regulations. That ability to mow to precise standards is necessary for HOA mowing.
Cemetery mowing
And finally cemetery mowing, the ability to mow in and out of burial sites without doing damage to headstones and graves; this is in no way an easy task, so precision and insurance are mandatory.
Any questions? Feel free to call Keith’s Tractor Mowing in Fort Worth if you need to know something about acreage mowing. Our number is (817) 991-4318.