Tractor Mowing is different from conventional mowing in several ways.
The name suggests the first difference. Instead of a step-up, conventional rotary mower, tractor mowing involves the use of a tractor to cut grass, mow a pasture, or convert to a bush hog for brush mowing services. We are talking about big jobs, acreage lawn care and pasture mowing, one acre lots to 500 acre lots, certainly not the size you would want to mow using your push mower or even a hobby-riding lawn mower.
Secondly, tractor mowing requires attachments or very heavy equipment. The cutting radius of commercial tractor mowers can range from 3.2 feet to 22 feet in width, and that means one very large mowing attachment or commercial mower, something along the lines of a TORO 5910 or a John Deere 4320. The TORO model is an actual commercial mower used mainly to cut grass and pasture grass, while the John Deer is what is known as a brush hog, capable of cutting small vegetation, bushes, and even saplings, while cutting over uneven ground.
Third, tractor mowing, especially for bush hog attachments, does not cut in a conventional way using sharp blades, but rather it uses heavy, dull blades and centrifugal force to “knock down” thick vegetation while being pulled by a tractor.
The applications of tractor mowing are many. Tractor mowing by commercial mowers is done on many large-scale farms where pastures are used to grow grasses for feed. Tractor mowers are used to clear land, usually after trees have been cut and cleared and the underbrush needs to be removed. Tractor mowing is used on many government mowing contracts for Federal and State buildings or vacant lots, and tractor mowing is used by airports, schools, and large corporations. In fact, chances are excellent that within a five mile radius from where you sit right now, tractor mowing is happening at this very moment . . . cemeteries . . . administration buildings . . . schools . . . farms . . . you are surrounded by tractor mowing opportunities.
Where do you find reliable and trustworthy tractor mowing commercial mowers? Check with the local grange. Check at the local feed store. Ask for recommendations. These people make their living by dealing with people, so it is to their advantage to give good, solid, reliable information when asked. They will be able to point you in the direction of a quality commercial mower.
In the Fort Worth area, though, you don’t need to go ask at the grange or at the feed store, because everyone in the farming and industrial community knows that Keith’s Tractor Mowing Services is the first, last, and only number to call for large-scale acreage mowing. Keith Sturgeon, the owner, has built a reputation upon friendly, quality, reliable mowing service. Whether you are looking to have your ultra-large lawn mowed, or you need your pasture cut, Keith’s Tractor Mowing Services is your best bet, servicing a seventy-five mile radius centered in Fort Worth, Texas.
Overgrown acreage . . . Who ya gonna to call?
Keith’s Tractor Mowing Services!