There are those who cut grass, and then there are those who CUT GRASS! Keith’s Tractor Mowing falls under the latter category. Call us at (817) 991-4318 for all the information you will need about area mowing, field mowing, and any other type of full-scale mowing of one acre or more in the Greater Fort Worth area.
What we are not at Keith’s Tractor Mowing
What we are not is a couple of guys with lawn mowers. What we are not is a residential mowing company dealing with small yards. There is nothing small about Keith’s Tractor Mowing. We deal with big jobs, jobs many companies don’t want to deal with, and we deal with them within a 75-mile radius of Fort Worth. In fact, the bigger the job the better for Keith’s Tractor Mowing.
What kind of jobs do we do at Keith’s Tractor Mowing?
Just a partial rundown of the type of jobs we do:
- Residential 1+ acres
- Commercial 1+ acres
- Cemetery Mowing
- Church Mowing
- Farms & Ranches
- Field Mowing
- HOA Services
- Oilfield Site Mowing
- Oilfield Right of Ways
- Pasture
Vacant Lots
- Airport Grounds
- Channel Mowing
- Code Enforcement– Citation Mowing
- Military Sites
- Parks
- Railroad Mowing
- Right of Way Mowing
- Roadway/Pipeline
- Water Treatment Facilities
- Bush Hogging
- Tree Trimming & Removal
And that pretty much covers any kind of “cut grass” job under the Texas sun.
What we promise you at Keith’s Tractor Mowing
Keith’s Tractor and Mowing Service is owned and operated by Keith Sturgeon, a life-long resident of Dallas Fort Worth. He has been a successful business person in Fort Worth for more than 20 years. Customers enjoy working with Keith because of his friendly customer service and his outstanding quality of work. Specializing in large acreage mowing, vacant lot mowing and channel mowing in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.
Your guarantee
We carry a $1,000,000 general liability insurance policy, so you can rest assured you are protected while we are doing the job you hired us to do. But more than just financial security, you can rest assured we will do the professional job we have based our reputation upon, time and time again.
What will it cost for commercial mowing services like Keith’s?
Every job is different. That may not be the answer you were looking for, but in this business one size does not fit all. Commercial mowing price is based on miles traveled and the hours it takes to complete a job. It would be irresponsible for us to quote you a price in this article. It would be irresponsible of us to quote you a price for any mowing job until we see the job in person and walk the site. At that point we can estimate the time it will take us to complete that job, and give you a price quote which you can etch in stone.
What we can tell you is that our price quote will be fair. We can tell you it will be competitive. And we can tell you that our price will include the very best mowing you can hire in Tarrant County.
You have our word on that!
Call us today!