Not every commercial mowing company can acquire a highway mowing contract.
Only the best need apply!
Highway mowing contracts are issued by the state, and acquiring a state government mowing contract requires experience, not only in acreage mowing, but specifically in highway mowing. Learning how to formulate a bid, learning how to usher that bid through the bidding process, and learning how to do that all properly requires an attention to detail many commercial mowing companies do not possess. A highway mowing contract can be won, or lost, depending on that attention to detail.
Highway mowing contracts require bonding. Mowing at the proper height along a highway is crucial. Mowing in a safe manner so that debris is not tossed onto the roadway is a matter of safety, and that degree of safety is literally a matter of life and death on the highways. One highway accident or, God forbid, a highway fatality, is one too many for any state issuing a highway mowing contract, so only the best commercial mowing companies are even considered for those jobs.
And the best commercial mowing companies use the best equipment. Whether the mowing consists of grass or the mowing needs the use of bush hog mowing for heavy jobs, it is vitally important that the mowing company has the proper equipment to do the job properly and in a timely manner.
And speaking of time, highway mowing contracts require that the job be done within a specified period of time, and not all commercial mowers have the ability to tackle miles of roadway mowing within a specified time period.
Contrary to what many people believe, the state does not issue these contracts to the lowest bidder. Those jobs are much too important to be determined solely on price points. This is truly a situation where quality wins out over price.
And so it all boils down to trust. Can the state trust the commercial mower to do the job required and do it in a timely manner? When looked at it that way, it is easy to understand that most states only contract out to a small handful of commercial mowing services. It is just too important a job to trust to an unproven company.
To those commercial tractor mowing services just starting out in this business, we offer this word of advice from a company which has been there and done that: learn the trade well, and build up trust. Word-of-mouth advertising is crucial in this business. The cream will rise to the top eventually, and people will take notice . . . even state officials who issue highway mowing contracts.
Keith’s Tractor and Mowing Service is owned and operated by Keith Sturgeon, a life-long resident of Dallas Fort Worth. He has been a successful business person in Fort Worth for more than 20 years. Customers enjoy working with Keith because of his friendly customer service and his outstanding quality of work. Specializing in large acreage mowing, government contracts, vacant lot mowing and channel mowing in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.