Prior to the 19th Century, any talk about pasture mowers was limited to a scythe and rake. Luckily, around about the time the Industrial Revolution was in full swing, the art of mowing pastures, aka acreage lawn mowing, was made considerably easier. Today there is a seemingly endless supply of pasture mowing services available using a variety of acreage mowing machines.
But which is best for your situation? That is the crux of this article. Read on, and if you have more questions, feel free to call Keith’s Tractor Mowing. We service the Greater Fort Worth area, and we are certain our knowledge about pasture mowing services, and our experience, qualify us to answer any question you might have.
Now, on to the information you need.
Yes, the size of your property is a consideration. A basic riding lawnmower can handle an acre of property in short order, say a half-hour. Not so if your pasture is fifty acres. If you are a large land owner, you will want a mower which can handle the big jobs in a reasonable amount of time, say three hours for the whole fifty acres.
Hilly or flat? Pasture grass or brush? You may need brush hogging services and not a mower, and the nature of your pasture will determine which piece of machinery you need. A rough patch of pasture can literally ruin a piece of machinery made for lawn mowing, so walk your pasture and make that determination.
What are you looking to accomplish? Do you want your property manicured like some fine English estate, or is this a horse pasture you just want to knock down a bit? What height do you want to cut at. Quality mowers have various height settings. Low-end mowers do not.
Brush will destroy a lawn mower. Brush is child’s play for a brush hog. Again, you need to walk the property, decide upon what it is you need exactly, and then find the piece of equipment which will accomplish that task.
Are there pasture mowers which will handle a variety of pasture setting and conditions? Most definitely, but the old adage “you get what you pay for” is true in this situation. If you want “dual threat” machines, you will pay a premium price for them.
If you should choose to hire lot mowing services, you are advised to interview carefully and inquire about what equipment that company is using. Inadequate machinery will do an inadequate job, or a slow job, or an uneven job, neither of which are goals you have in mind.
Our best advice: arm yourself with information before you decide on a path. The cost of a reliable pasture mower might be prohibitive, and you may decide upon a pasture mowing service. You may decide to control your own fate and handle the mowing yourself. Whichever way you decide, having the proper knowledge will prevent you from making a costly mistake.
Keith’s Tractor Mowing . . . give us a call if you have further questions.