Acquiring “right of way” mowing contracts requires more than just the proper equipment. An experienced knowledge of mowing requirements and specifications is also crucial in obtaining those contracts.
Let’s take a look at one such highway mowing contract in a southern state. Those bidding on this right of way mowing contract were required to understand the following points:
- Acceptable mowing – the height of the vegetation must be six inches maximum height and the mowing must be neat and acceptable in appearance.
- Back slope – the area from the bottom of the roadway ditch to the top of that same ditch
- Mowing Cycle – a continuous mowing effort until designated area is completely mowed
- Mowing Height – Six inch maximum height uniformly cut
- Right-of-Way – within the boundaries of access control
- Roadside Obstacles – obstacles within the roadside infrastructure to include sign posts, light posts, guardrails, headwalls, bridges, abutments, mailboxes, etc.
- Roadway – the entire portion of the designated roadside
- Roadway Ditch – the depressed area parallel to the highway or roadway
- Slope Mower – a tractor with articulated arm mower attached
- Slope Mower Mowing – used for mowing sloped area deemed unsafe for wheel equipment
- Trimming – the reduction of vegetation in a designated area
All of these activities must be performed according to the specifications of each municipality, meaning a commercial tractor mowing service must have a working knowledge of all government biddings processes within their area of expertise. Failure to meet just one requirement can result in the loss of the contract and a poor reputation.
Contractors must certify in writing that they posses these abilities. They must also have proof of liability insurance, and all operators must be trained and certified to operate the specific mowing equipment needed for a given job.
Those aforementioned requirements were for one jurisdiction in one state. The requirements change with each jurisdiction, meaning that a mowing service must have an intimate knowledge of various local governments.
Keith’s Tractor Mowing Services covers a seventy-five mile area in and around the Fort Worth Area. Within that are is the DFW Metroplex including Kennedale, Arlington, Irving, Fort Worth, Haltom City, and many other towns and cities, each with their own requirements for right of way mowing contracts.
When the best is required, trust government mowing contracts to the best in tractor mowing services. There are many commercial mowing companies out there, but few can meet the stringent needs of city and county governments. There are many companies which can cut grass, but few with the ability and knowledge necessary for government mowing contracts. Keith’s has that knowledge and experience.
Keith’s Tractor and Mowing Service is owned and operated by Keith Sturgeon, a life-long resident of Dallas Fort Worth. He has been a successful business person in Fort Worth for more than 20 years. Customers enjoy working with Keith because of his friendly customer service and his outstanding quality of work. Specializing in large acreage mowing, government contracts, vacant lot mowing and channel mowing in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.