Commercial lawn mowing rates, or commercial lawn mowing prices, differ from city to city. What applies for Fort Worth, Texas, where we are located, may not apply for Baton Rouge, Louisiana, or Chicago, Illinois, but the factors which determine those rates stay the same no matter where you live or work.
We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area for over two decades. We invite you to call us for more information about commercial mowing rates and commercial mowing services.
How are commercial mowing bids determined?
Commercial mowers determine a mowing bid based on the distance they need to travel to a customer location, and the amount of time it will take to perform the mowing task required. In other words, mowing two acres within a five-minute drive will cost less than mowing twenty-acres twenty miles away. Now that’s a bit of an oversimplification, but it gives us a base from which to discuss this topic.
There are, of course, other factors. If there are obstacles which will slow the mow, that could raise the price. If there is extremely unlevel ground, or property which will require extensive removal of dangerous items like rocks or tree limbs, that will increase the mowing bid, but generally speaking, the bid greatly depends upon the size of the job and the distance the mowing company must travel.
So what about your particular job?
It would be impossible to give a quote for your job without actually seeing the property. The industry average is approximately $75 per hour, which sounds like a very nice, round figure, but even that is not simple. Mowing five acres with inferior equipment might take two hours. Mowing is with a TORO or John Deere, the equipment we use at Keith’s Tractor Mowing, will only take an hour, all things being equal.
Mowing waist-high grass will take longer than mowing foot-high grass, especially if the wrong type of equipment is used.
And then there is the matter of professional skill
It seems like the worst the economy is, the more commercial lawn mowing companies we see pop up on the horizon. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry with a mower and a pickup truck starts a commercial lawn mowing company, and many of them can do a passable job on small job sites, a couple acres of level ground, no skill required. But if your property has some inherent difficulties, it becomes obvious, very quickly, which companies have skill and which do not.
Are you, the property owner, protected?
Keith’s Tractor Mowing carries a $1,000,000 general liability insurance policy, for the express purpose of protecting you against any damage to your property. Any flying rocks, any flying sticks, any projectiles which damage any part of your outbuildings or vehicle (and it can happen with the best of commercial mowers) is covered by our liability insurance. We feel we owe that kind of protection to our customers but beware, not all commercial mowers offer that kind of protection.
Questions? Call us today, ask your questions, and if you are in the Fort Worth area, ask us to come out and give you a quote for your mowing job. When in doubt, always go with experience and a trusted name, and that name is Keith’s Tractor Mowing.