Learning how to submit commercial mowing bids, and learning how to win commercial mowing bids, requires some experience and a solid game plan. This article should help. We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area. Call us for more information about commercial mowing.
Now let’s talk about winning those commercial mowing services.
Make personal contact
Commercial mowing bids are all about personal relationships. Very few of them are completed in a sterile vacuum, online. You need to meet perspective customers and let them get to know the person behind your commercial mowing services business.
Visit businesses and agencies in your area. Pass out business cards. Even if those places are not looking for professional commercial lawn maintenance at that time, you will have made an impression, and a good impression will pay dividends over time.
Our suggestion: spend an entire day, driving around, handing out business cards, and making a positive impression on your community.
Have your references at the ready
Print up a sheet with solid references on that sheet. People love references, and more and more people are following up and contacting those references, so make sure yours are good ones.
Price realistically
We are not big fans of pricing too low. It is unrealistic and, in the long run, it will hurt your bottom line. Price so you make some money. Price so you don’t gouge the customer. Price fairly! You don’t have to be the lowest bid to win commercial mowing bids. Remember, this is all about personal impressions and personal contacts.
Have the right equipment
Don’t walk into an establishment, ask to give a bid on a commercial mowing job, and then not have the right commercial mowing equipment. It’s embarrassing and a waste of time. Acreage mowing requires acreage mowing equipment. Acreage mowing requires tractor mowing equipment. Tough lot mowing with undergrowth requires brush hogging equipment. To have anything less is to do a disservice to the customer and to you as a business. If you can’t afford the heavy equipment, stick to small property bids. That way you won’t be damaging the reputation of your company.
Follow bidding process to the letter
We cannot overemphasize this enough. Every company, every business, and every government agency has a different bidding process for commercial mowing. Each process must be followed to the letter of the instructions. Don’t skip a step. Don’t fudge on a step. For highly-popular mowing gigs, like working for the state or a major corporation, there are dozens of applicants for each job posted, and the first thing those companies/agencies do, when going through applications, is to make sure the process has been followed. If it hasn’t been followed, the application is thrown away without consideration.
Avoid being tossed away. Follow instructions!
A word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing
There is no job too large for Keith’s Tractor Mowing, from farm lot mowing to airport mowing to pipeline mowing, we’ve been there, done that, and continually deliver to Fort Worth businesses what they expect at a fair price. Call us for a price quote. The name is Keith’s Tractor Mowing. Excellence is the only tagline we need.