What is pasture shredding
The term “pasture shredding” refers to the process of cutting a pasture to a height of approximately 6 to 8 inches and is the process generally used when haying a field.
We know about pasture shredding. We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area, with expertise in pasture shredding, lot mowing, acreage mowing, and brush hogging services. Call us and inquire about our affordable pasture mowing service.
What is needed for proper pasture shredding?
To mow a pasture properly, you need the proper equipment and you need expertise/experience. Let’s talk a bit about each of these important aspects of pasture shredding.
Proper equipment
Great pasture mowing requires a great pasture mower. That may seem like a rather simplistic and obvious statement, but you would be amazed by how many pasture mowing service ”professionals” out there use the wrong equipment. If you want to spot a commercial grass cutting professional, take a look at the equipment they are using for their commercial jobs. One look at their pasture mowers will tell you if you have a pro or you have a “wannabe.”
The TORO 5910 and the John Deere 4320 . . . those are the two workhorses used by Keith’s Tractor Mowing. A 16-foot cut swath, capable of mowing fifteen acres in an hour, hundreds of acres in a day . . . that is the kind of production you want out of a pasture mower. That grass needs to be cut, it needs to be baled, and it needs to be stacked in the barn sooner rather than later, the fall rains always a threat. You need the right equipment to get the job done, and you need the right professional manning that equipment, which brings us to the second topic, namely expertise in a pasture mowing service.
A lot of commercial mowers say they can do pasture shedding. The numbers seems to increase in a poor economy. But the fact is that in any given city there is only a handful of professionals who have the experience and the knowledge to cut down a pasture, in a timely manner, and in a professional way.
Let’s face it, operating a John Deere 4320 is not something any Tom, Dick, or Harry can do. To operate such a piece of machinery with mastery takes hundreds of hours of practice. We are talking about hundreds of acres of your property. We are talking about hay which will be needed to feed your animals during the winter. And we are talking about cutting in such a way so the seeds will fall and the acreage will be replenished. Do you really want to leave that job to someone who is just starting to learn the profession of acreage mowing? Do you really want an amateur practicing on your property?
Of course you don’t! You want a pro like Keith and Keith’s Tractor Mowing in Fort Worth.
A word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing
Commercial tractor mowing services come and go, but few of them have the lengthy track record of Keith’s Tractor Mowing, trusted by homeowners, municipalities, and farmers throughout Tarrant County. Call us for a bid, and hire us if you want the pasture shredding done properly.