Allow me to start this article off with a true story about a pasture mowing service in our area of Fort Worth, Texas. It should help to illustrate/explain why it is so important to find the proper acreage mowing company. Also allow me to give you this number . . . (817) 991-4318 . . . you can call that number, which is attached to Keith’s Tractor Mowing, if you have more questions about pasture mowing in general.
The pasture mowing story
There once was a farmer named Bob. Bob had fifty acres of rolling farmland outside of Grapevine, Texas, and most of those fifty acres were grazing land for Bob’s cattle. For the first twenty years that Bob was on that farm, Bob would do the pasture mowing himself with an old John Deere, but the John Deere, and Bob, were getting along in years, so Bob finally decided to hire a pasture mowing service. He checked the Yellow Pages, picked a tractor mowing service, talked to the owner of that service and hired him to mow the fields.
And that tractor mowing company did a horrible job. The grass was cut too short and the Texas sun burned part of the fields. Some damage was done to a couple out-buildings, and the company had no liability insurance to cover the damage.
It was a disaster!
We don’t want you to be like Bob!
What to look for in a pasture mowing service
It begins with experience. Our apologies to companies just starting out, but our recommendation is that you sign a contract with a well-known, experienced tractor mowing service. Ask around and find out who your neighbors and fellow farmers have hired in the past. Check at the local grange or feed store. Check with the Chamber of Commerce and local Co-op! Word spreads quickly about poor services, and word spreads quickly about good, reliable services.
Ask around!
Talk to the company owners about the equipment they use, and ask them for costumers they have had in the past. Check their references. Do your due diligence early on so you won’t be sorry later on.
Do not go with the lowest bid simply to save money
Unless money is a huge factor in your decision-making process, do not automatically choose the lowest bid. Choose experience and reliability over price. Pasture mowing service/acreage mowing must be done correctly, and you should expect to pay for quality. Liability insurance is costly, and you should expect to pay for that peace of mind. You can go cheap, for sure, but in the long run, the desire to save money will make you susceptible to all manner of problems down the road.
If this all sounds like an unnecessary hassle, think again. You will pay for quality tractor mowing services, so you might as well get a quality job done for the money you are spending, and due diligence will assure that you do.
Keith’s Tractor Mowing is our name . . . pasture mowing/acreage mowing/commercial grass cutting is our game. Give us a call for more valuable information.