An acreage tractor used for acreage mowing is a rather important piece of equipment and thus, when purchasing one, great care and deliberation should be taken. This article should help you. We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area. Give us a call if you would like more information about the acreage tractor we favor in our daily work.
Let’s look at several criteria to consider when looking for an acreage tractor:
- Horsepower
- Usage
- Attachments
- Covered/not covered
- Versatility
- And, of course, cost
You need an acreage tractor that has the power to do the job you need to do. Usually horsepower between 45-75 hp will be able to handle most jobs you need the tractor for.
What are you using the tractor for? Lot mowing? Enforcement mowing? Pipeline mowing? Large field mowing? Is the ground you are mowing relatively flat, or are there hills? Not all mowers are the same, so make sure you are considering a mower which can handle the job it is purchased for.
An acreage tractor is quite often used for more than just mowing. Can it handle a brush hog? Can it handle land clearing? Can it tow small logs off a piece of property? Again, what are you using it for and can it handle the attachments you might need?
Covered/not covered
This may be a game-changer. If you live in an area where the weather is often inclement, you must give serious consideration to at least having a covered cab if not a fully-enclosed cabb.
We at Keith’s Tractor Mowing are called upon to handle a variety of jobs for a variety of customers. We prefer to use a tractor mower which handles a wide array of jobs.
New or used? Big or small? You are looking at a wide range of tractor costs. One can expect to find a reliable used acreage tractor for $5,000. One can expect to pay upwards of $25,000 for a new acreage tractor. How’s your budget?
At Keith’s Tractor Mowing
At Keith’s we use two main pieces of equipment, the John Deere 4320 for rough mowing, and the Toro 5910 for wide-swath field mowing.
John Deere 4320
- Best suited to mow grass over knee high
- Rough mowing or fine mowing
- Skid steer to move dirt & rock piles
- Bush hogfor mowing thick brush & vegetation
- Tough enough for single jobs or once a year mowing
- 12 gears for wide range of motion when mowing fields
Toro 5910
- Best suited for grass lower than knee high
- Idea for regular mowing jobs
- Can mow 17 acres an hours and 100+ acres per day
- 16 foot cutting width
- Perfect to mow municipal parks & sports complex
- Mow closely around trees & other obstacles with 0 trim
- Climate controlled cab for mowing year round
- Can turn 180 degrees without uncut grass
Give us a call if we can provide any other information about acreage tractors. We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, (817) 991-4318, at your service! We have been doing this for a long time now, and we most likely have the answers you need.