On the surface, very low commercial mowing rates seem like a very good thing. Who doesn’t want to save money, right?
Our word of caution: Beware! You just might get what you pay for and not necessarily what you deserve.
We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with professional acreage mowing services. Call us and ask us for a quote for your mowing job. We can’t promise you the lowest commercial mowing rates, but we can promise you the best job done.
Low commercial mowing rates are a sign of the economic times
Tough economic times, the recessions and the occasional depressions, will always give birth to a large number of new businesses appearing, shoestring operations looking to make some money. They are low on experience, but they make up for that by offering the lowest prices in town. And because times are tough for many, those low, low prices are very attractive.
In no way are we saying these people are dishonest. We are saying, however, that the commercial mowing industry is not closely regulated. Anyone with a business license and a lawnmower can set up shop as a commercial lawn service or a commercial lawn maintenance company. Their lack of experience is counterbalanced by their willingness to undercut the competition with very low commercial lawn mowing prices, and those prices are very attractive to customers who are themselves struggling financially.
But what do you get for those low, low prices?
Protect yourself with due diligence
The only way you can protect yourself, the only way you can be assured of a quality lawn mowing job, is to ask for references and then painstakingly follow-up on those references. Call their former customers. Ask those customers if they are happy with the services they received for their money.
Call the Better Business Bureau and ask for a rating for those companies bidding on your job. Call members of the Chamber of Commerce and ask them if they know of these companies.
Yes, this kind of investigative work takes time, but we are talking about saving hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars, and that should certainly make the extra effort worth it to you.
Another way you can protect yourself is to ask about insurance. Reputable companies like Keith’s Tractor Mowing carry general liability insurance to protect themselves and their customers. You should expect that kind of protection and you should demand it.
And, finally, ask about the type of equipment they will be using. Lot mowing requires a tractor mower, heavy equipment which can tackle big jobs quickly. Residential mowers should never be used on commercial mowing jobs. They are too slow, and they do not provide a quality cut on the grass.
Armed with that information, and charging ahead with that game plan, will save you money in the long-run and provide you with peace of mind as you hire a commercial mowing company.
A word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing
All you need to know about Keith’s Tractor Mowing is that it is a trusted name in the Fort Worth community, and has been for a very long time. Through the good economic times and the bad, we consistently provide a quality job at a fair price. Call us for a job quote.