To be clear, we have nothing against the DIY movement as a way of saving money; we just don’t think DIY acreage mowing is a good idea, and in this article we will defend that opinion. We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with quality, affordable acreage mowing and lot mowing. Call us for an estimate no matter how big your mowing job is.
Now let’s talk about DIY acreage mowing.
Definition of acreage mowing
For the purpose of this article, acreage mowing will be considered any mowing which involved an acre or more of land, and also for the purpose of this article, let’s just talk about grass cutting as opposed to land clearing or brush cutting. Those are different animals all together and deserve their own article.
Equipment needed for quality acreage mowing
Acreage mowing required a tractor mower for the job. That is a statement of fact. Can a residential mower of the walk-behind variety handle an acre of long grass? Yes, but not well, and certainly not in a timely fashion. Long grass, or long farm grass, require a mower with tough, sharp blades and high revolutions of those blades. Otherwise, the mower will simply push down the long grass and cut in an irregular fashion. Any mowing expert will tell you this.
Experience and expertise needed
Because acreage mowing requires special equipment, it stands to reason that someone trained on that equipment is also needed. Quite frankly it makes us nervous that so many weekend farmers believe they can just hop on a tractor mower and do the job lickety-split, no worries, no problem. Heavy machinery requires proper knowledge for handling that equipment; otherwise, not only will the cut be of poor quality, but there is a very real possibility that damage will be caused to property or injury will occur to the person doing the mowing.
Beware of the dangers involved
There is a very clear and logical reason why we at Keith’s Tractor Mowing carry a $1,000,000 general liability insurance policy on every job we do, and that reason is to protect us and our clients. That’s how seriously we take the dangers involved with lot mowing, acreage mowing, or any other type of commercial mowing services and contract grass cutting.
Rocks can be thrown by the tractor mower, oftentimes hundreds of feet, and those missiles do damage to outbuildings, vehicles, farm animals, and property owners. Even the most seasoned and experienced pro can hit a rock buried under six inches of tall grass, and all bets are off with regards to safety once that rock is struck.
Cost analysis of DIY and hiring a pro
You will pay somewhere in the $75-$100 per hour range for a professional mowing service. Without a doubt, you will not pay that if you try to do the job yourself. It then boils down to this point: do you want to take the time necessary to mow that acreage yourself, and are you protected should damage occur?
A word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing
In our opinion, there are some DIY jobs which should be left to the pros, and the pros at Keith’s Tractor Mowing have been trusted for a long, long time in the Fort Worth area to do the job right and safely. Call us today for a job quote.