This is not an article about lawn mowers; this is an article about a field mower, how it differs from a lawn mower, and the options you have when looking for a field mower. For the sake of this discussion, we will define a field as an acre or more. Thus, we are talking about acreage mowing or lot mowing, and not residential lawn maintenance.
We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, and we know all about field mowers and field mowing. Call us if you are in the Fort Worth area and you are looking for quality field mowing services at fair field mowing prices.
A description of a field mower
A field mower has a wider cut radius than a regular lawnmower. It generally stands higher than a lawnmower, and has bigger tires. It is generally made of harder, stronger materials simply because it is used over uneven ground more often than not, and is asked to perform in less-than-ideal conditions with regards to the ground to be mowed.
Two types of field mower
There are two types of field mowers, the walk-behind, usually preferred by property owners with little experience in mowing large fields, with a cutting width of three or four feet, and the tractor mower, a large piece of machinery with a cutting width of sixteen feet or more.
The walk-behinds can cut approximately an acre per hour. They are similar in appearance to residential lawnmowers, and can be handled by most people, experienced or not experienced in their operation. The tractor mower is heavy equipment capable of mowing ten or more acres in an hour. Because it is heavy equipment, only trained personnel should operate it. They can be dangerous. Every year there are deaths associated with accidents on tractor mowers.
What makes a field mower so special?
Field mowers have sharper blades made from the finest steel. They have larger engines capable of much faster revolutions. Most are capable of not only cutting grasses, but also cutting small shrubs, vines, grains, and even small saplings. They also have special suspensions which allow them to cut uneven grounds more accurately.
Who should operate a field mower?
In our professional opinion, practically any property owner can operate the walk-behind field mowers, provided proper caution and preparation are taken. Tractor mowers, however, should never be operated by someone not trained for heavy machinery. It is dangerous to do so, not only for the operator of the tractor and its attachments, but also for those in the vicinity due to flying rocks and debris tossed by those powerful blades. Our company, Keith’s Tractor Mowing, carries $1,000,000 in general liability insurance for exactly this reason. It is a dangerous job, and our clients need to be protected from the financial liability inherent in the job. We are professionals and yet we believe that kind of protection is needed. Imagine an amateur attempting field mowing on a tractor.
A word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing
When the very best if needed in field mowing, Keith’s Tractor Mowing is the name Fort Worth residents remember. Trusted by private homeowners, businesses, government agencies, and towns, Keith’s Tractor Mowing can tackle any mowing job you can throw at us. Call us today!