If you are looking for field mowing in Fort Worth, your search just ended with this article. We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, and we specialize in field mowing anywhere within 75 miles of Fort Worth. Call us at (817) 991-4318 and ask us your questions and get a quote.
Why hire someone for field mowing?
What’s the big deal, most people would ask? Mow an acre or more? Mowing is mowing, right? It might take a bit longer, but it’s still blades cutting grass and other things. This isn’t rocket science, right?
No, it is not rocket science, but then again it is not quite as simple as pushing a mower across a lawn. First of all, fields are generally uneven ground. Uneven ground means it is very difficult to obtain an even cut across the entire field. What generally happens, when amateurs tackle a large job like a field, is that patches of the field will look like it wasn’t even cut, while other parts will look fine and yet other areas will be shaven down to the nub. It will look quite amateurish because, well, it was done by amateurs.
An experienced field mowing service, with proper tractor mowing equipment, has expertise in such matters. You end up with conformity in your field cut when you hire experts in that field.
Why not do it yourself?
You certainly could do that. You can go out with your push mower and mow from sun-up to sundown, and that is not hyperbole. You will literally be out there for hours mowing a couple acres with a commercial lawnmower. Or maybe you have a riding lawnmower, one of those “gentleman farmers” mowers which handle large lawns quite well. But mowing a field is a whole different ballgame. Mowing an acre will take you a couple hours even with a riding lawnmower. What you need is a tractor mower operated by a tractor mowing services. What you need is Keith’s Tractor Mowing, a company which has never seen a job too big to handle.
What if the field is overrun by brush?
No problem! We have what is called a brush hog, specialty equipment designed to handle rough terrain and stubborn growth, and our bush hog can handle anything from berry bushes to small saplings.
How long will it take and what will it cost?
Call us at Keith’s Tractor Mowing. We will come out, take a look at the job, and give you a concrete quote. Generally we can mow a uniform area at a rate of seventeen acres per hour. Uneven ground or brush hog mowing will take longer. What you can count on is a competitive and fair price for this type of field mowing.
Why Keith’s Tractor Mowing?
Keith’s Tractor and Mowing Service is owned and operated by Keith Sturgeon, a life-long resident of Dallas Fort Worth. He has been a successful business person in Fort Worth for more than 20 years. Customers enjoy working with Keith because of his friendly customer service and his outstanding quality of work. Specializing in large acreage mowing, vacant lot mowing and channel mowing in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. And we carry $1,000,000 general liability insurance for your peace of mind.