Are you looking at large lawn tractors with the intention of purchasing one in the near future? If so, this article should prove informative and helpful. We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with top quality acreage mowing. Call us the next time your mowing job is too large for you to handle, and you want it done in a timely, professional manner.
Now, let’s talk about the cost of large lawn tractors and the REAL cost of large lawn tractors.
The size of large lawn tractors.
The size of large lawn tractors is one of degree. What is considered a large lawn, and what is considered a large lawn tractor, these things are in the eye of the beholder. At Keith’s Tractor Mowing, we use an actual tractor mower, a TORO 5910 and a John Deere 4320, with attachments, capable of mowing fifteen acres per hour. Those are truly large lawn tractors.
Smaller jobs, up to an acre in size, could be handled by riding lawn mowers, the type you see on sale at Home Depot; whether those qualify as large lawn tractors is a matter of opinion.
The sticker price of large lawn tractors.
Now we get down to it. You could find a decent riding lawn mower for $2000 and up. The price of a quality tractor mower will easily run you upwards of $20,000.
Suddenly, you are looking at a major investment to keep that grass of yours cut.
Can you find equipment like that for less money? Of course, but we are only giving you the prices of top-quality equipment because we assume those reading this are interested in the equipment lasting a decent number of years. We are in no way trying to scare people off from purchasing equipment, but we do believe you should see the whole picture before you lay down tens of thousands of dollars.
The hidden costs of a tractor mower.
Now we are really getting down to the nitty gritty. Top-quality equipment needs regular maintenance, and even when regular maintenance is done, it will eventually need replacement parts and work done to it. Most tractor repair involved labor costs in the neighborhood of $75-$100 per hour, plus the cost of replacement parts. The industry standard for yearly maintenance costs of a tractor mower is approximately $500-$1000 per year.
Stated another way, a major investment requires upkeep, and upkeep is expensive.
Is this cost-prohibitive for you? We can’t answer that question, but we do want you aware.
If it is cost-prohibitive for you, the only other option is to hire tractor mowing services like Keith’s Tractor Mowing. Even if your mowing job cost you a couple thousand dollars per year, it would take approximately fifteen years of paying a mowing service before you reached the cost of purchasing a tractor mower.
Just something for you to think about before purchasing equipment.
A final word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing
Keith’s Tractor Mowing is locally owned and operated and is a trusted name in the Fort Worth community. Call us for all of your lot mowing, ranch mowing, pipeline mowing, and any other mowing job over one acre in size.