acreage mowing

mowing code enforcement and acreage mowing

Acreage Mowing Cost Considerations

If you own acreage, then eventually acreage mowing is going to be a topic of discussion.  Do you attempt to do it yourself or do you hire it out to a local acreage mowing services?  This is the question facing every farmer and rancher across the country, and it is the question we will tackle in this article.

We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with affordable acreage mowing. Call us today and find out why Keith’s Tractor Mowing is the trusted name in Fort Worth.

Acreage Mowing, an inside job.

If you decide to do the acreage mowing yourself, you have two options: you can either rent the equipment to handle the job, or you can purchase the equipment.

Renting a tractor mower, or a riding commercial mower large enough to handle acreage, will cost you between $50-$100 per hour, depending upon where you live.  You may only need that mower for one or two hours; however, the frequency of mowing will determine how expensive this approach really is. Do you need to mow once per month, or several times per month?

Your other option is to purchase a tractor mower.  This approach will cost you, at the very least, $10,000, and most likely considerably more if you have a large number of acres and you need one of the larger tractor mowers on the market.  Most likely this will require a loan, meaning a monthly loan payment. It will also require a monthly upkeep and repair expense.

Is it worth it?

Hiring the job out.

On average, a commercial mowing services company will charge somewhere in the $75 per hour range for ranch mowing or farm mowing.  Large tractor mowers can mow multiple acres in an hour, so unless you have a mammoth spread, you are looking at about $75 per mowing, possibly a little bit more.  Hiring the job out also means no upkeep or repair expense, and no bank loan.

The downside of this approach: finding an acreage mowing company you can trust to do the job correctly.

Which is better for you?

We simply cannot answer this question for you.  We do not have access to your finances. We are not privy to your level of expertise or your level of frustration.  It may very well be that you have the finances to hire the job out.  It may be that you welcome the challenge and you also like the extra tax deductions which come from equipment depreciation.  Only you can determine your approach to acreage mowing.  We simply want you armed with the information you need to make an informed decision.

A final word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing.

Keith’s Tractor Mowing is locally owned and operated, and trusted by property owners, municipalities, and businesses. We take on any job over one acre in size, be that cemetery mowing, HOA services, pipeline mowing, or even baseball field mowing. Call us today for a free job quote and find out for yourself why Keith’s Tractor Mowing is trusted by so many in Fort Worth.  Serving a seventy-five mile radius around Fort Worth Metro.

the best acreage mowing in Fort Worth

Fort Worth Acreage Mowing? Why You Should Call Keith’s Tractor Mowing

If you live within seventy-five miles of Fort Worth, and you have acreage mowing to do, your best move is to call Keith’s Tractor Mowing, and the remainder of this article will explain why that is the case.

We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing and yes, this article is self-serving, but we remind you of the old saying: It’s not bragging if you can back it up. It’s simply stating the truth.

Who is Keith’s Tractor Acreage Mowing?

Keith’s Tractor and Mowing Service is owned and operated by Keith Sturgeon, a life-long resident of Dallas Fort Worth. He has been a successful businessperson in Fort Worth for more than 20 years.

Customers enjoy working with Keith because of his friendly customer service and his outstanding quality of work. Specializing in large acreage mowing, vacant lot mowing and channel mowing in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Commercial and residential.

Peace of mind

As a business owner Keith Sturgeon takes his responsibility to do the right thing for his customers to a higher level.   While it is not required, he made the decision to carry general liability insurance on his business, to the tune of $1,000,000.

Accidents do happen and if Keith causes any damage or injury to you, he is prepared to accept and take financial responsibility to help you recover from the unexpected.  Commercial general liability insurance (CGL) is a broad type of insurance policy which provides liability insurance for general business risks.

It is the “first line” of coverage that a business typically purchases and covers many of the common risks that can happen to any type of business, such as bodily injury or property damage on the business premises or due to the business operations, personal and advertising injury, and medical payments.

Very few commercial mowers carry this type of insurance.  Professional commercial mowing companies should carry general liability insurance. Do your homework and ask if they do.

Why do business with someone who carries this insurance? Very simply, it is peace of mind.

All types of tractor mowing.

Keith’s does the following types of mowing jobs:


    • Residential 1+ acres
    • Commercial 1+ acres
    • Cemetery Mowing
    • Church Mowing
    • Farms & Ranches
    • Field Mowing
    • HOA Services
    • Oilfield Site Mowing
    • Oilfield Right of Ways
    • Pasture
    • Vacant Lots


  • Airport Grounds
  • Channel Mowing
  • Code Enforcement – Citation Mowing
  • Military Sites
  • Parks
  • Railroad Mowing
  • Right of Way Mowing
  • Roadway/Pipeline
  • Water Treatment Facilities

Land clearing

A final word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing.

Keith’s Tractor Mowing is locally owned and operated, and that is an important matter for the owner. He lives, works, and plays in the same community as his customers. His money stays in the community.  He has a responsibility to help his neighbors by providing the best service possible, whether that is ranch mowing or cemetery mowing or pipeline mowing.  This is not a job for Keith; it’s a commitment.

Call us today and trust your big mowing job to a name which stands for outstanding service.

lawn mowing rates per acre

Different Types of Acreage Mowing

Acreage mowing” is kind of a blanket phrase which covers quite a few different scenarios, and those scenarios are the reasons for this article. When you go to hire a commercial mowing services to tackle your mowing needs, you will need to know what to expect.  Knowledge is power, especially when  you are a consumer paying money for a service you know very little about.

We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with outstanding and affordable acreage mowing.  Any job over one acre is our bread and butter, so give us a call and we will quote you a job price.

Definition of acreage mowing.

Acreage mowing refers to the process of maintaining large areas of land, typically one acre or more, by cutting the grass or vegetation. It’s commonly done on properties such as farms, ranches, and large residential lots. However, it may be referred to as some other name, depending upon the nature of the mowing assignment.

Different types of lot mowing.

Remember, the definition of acreage mowing is a mowing job over one acre in size. With that in mind, cemetery mowing would be included, as would pipeline mowing, ranch mowing, farm mowing, road right-of-way mowing, big industrial complexes, baseball field grass mowing, airport mowing, etc.  Please note, and we will discuss this in the next section, each of these jobs requires a certain skill set, and each of those jobs is different from the others. We mention this because the nature of the job will most definitely affect the price quote you receive.

What to look for in a mowing company.

What to look for? Expertise and experience, first and foremost.  Baseball field mowing is much different from ranch mowing.  It requires different equipment, and it requires knowledge about grass height and optimum grass height.  Mowing in a cemetery requires the skill set to mow around tombstones without causing damage.  Mowing along a highway is much more difficult than HOA services in an HOA playground.

Why do we mention the obvious? Because you will want a mowing company with specific experience in the type of mowing you require.  As much as it pains us to say this, there are quite a few mowing companies out there claiming to be experts in all manner of mowing; sadly, they are not.

You, the property owner, have the power in this scenario.  Pick up your phone and call around. Ask for references for mowing jobs similar to yours and go with the experience.  As far as price is concerned, most price quotes, in a competitive market, will be in the same ballpark, figuratively speaking.  Go with experience and know that, on average, most companies charge about $75 per hour and, on average, it takes about an hour to mow one acre.

A final word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing.

When it comes to experience in the Fort Worth Metro area, the name to remember is Keith’s Tractor Mowing. We invite scrutiny and will gladly give references for you to check up on.  Why so confident? Because we know our track record and we know what it says about us.

Call us today for a free job quote.

the best acreage mowing in Fort Worth

Mowing Large Fields: Do It Yourself or Hire it Out?

Anyone who owns acreage and is facing mowing large fields of grass faces this question: do it yourself or hire the job out to the professionals?

We are going to do our best to give an unbiased and professional answer to this question. We are Keith’s Tractor Mowing, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with affordable acreage mowing. When it comes to big mowing jobs, nobody does it better in Fort Worth than Keith’s Tractor Mowing. Call us for a job quote.

Mowing large fields: What constitutes a large field?

This is a purely subjective question and a purely subjective answer.  For this article, we will define a large field as an acre or more, with an acre being approximately the size of a football field.  That size seems to be a psychological limit for more people mowing with a residential lawn mower.  Anything more than that sucks up way too much time, and for a famer, or for a rancher, or even just for a property owner who has a job which keeps them quite busy, spending hours mowing something larger than an acre is simply not reasonable.

The pros and cons of doing it yourself.

Doing large lot mowing yourself saves money.  Anytime a DIY project saves you the money it would cost to hire out, it’s a good thing financially . . . to a limit.  If you are a busy person, and your spare time is limited, or you already don’t spend enough time with your family, those two or three hours of mowing an acre might not be worth the savings.

There is the satisfaction factor, of course, for doing the job yourself, and there is the immeasurable pro of being outdoors and enjoying the Vitamin D that sunshine provides.

One final con to doing it yourself has to do with safety.  Mowing a large field usually requires operating equipment most homeowners are not trained on. It’s one thing to spend three hours mowing with a residential walk-behind mower; it’s quite another to mow with a riding lawnmower or a tractor mower.  The larger the equipment the more the danger factor.

The pros and cons of hiring the job out to the pros.

The con of hiring a job out is most definitely the cost.  Is the cost too high? We cannot answer that question for you.  Generally, and this is an industry standard, you are looking at between $75-$100 per hour for commercial lawn mowing services.  An acre of land can be mowed, using a tractor mower, in less than an hour.  Is that price worth paying, or are you determined to save money and do it yourself?

The pros of hiring out are this: the job will be done correctly and efficiently, and you will free yourself up to do things which are much more important to you, like playing catch with your kids.

A final word about Keith’s Tractor Mowing.

Thankfully, we don’t have to make this tough decision for you. However, if you are in the Fort Worth area, and you want the pro’s pro, call Keith’s Tractor Mowing.  For acreage mowing, pipeline mowing, ranch mowing, or citation mowing, we handle the big jobs so you don’t have to.